Beware the USPS Smishing Text Scam

Your phone pings, alerting you to a new text. You swipe to find a message from the USPS. It tells you the scheduled delivery for your package has been changed and they want you to click on a link to confirm. Just one click, and it’ll be done.
Stop! Don’t click that link! If you receive a text like this, you are likely looking at a scam. Here’s what you need to know about the USPS smishing text scam.
How the scam plays out
The United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) is warning of an uptick in smishing scams that use the USPS as a cover. If the victim clicks on a link in a message like the one described above, they’ll be downloading malware, giving the scammer access to their device and personal info.
Stay ahead of this scam by knowing this simple fact: The USPS never sends unsolicited text messages about deliveries. You’ll only get a message from them if you’ve signed up for alerts about a package’s delivery. If you haven’t, and you still receive a message about a scheduled delivery change, you’re looking at a scam.
What to do if you’re targeted
- Confirm the identity of the sender by checking with the USPS if you actually have a delivery schedule change.
- Don’t reply or click on links.
- Save a screenshot of the text to share with law enforcement agencies and delete the message.
- Block the number and update the security on your device.
- As always, don’t share sensitive information, such as your Social Security number or account details, with an unverified contact.
Report the scam
Do your part to stop the scammers by reporting it to the proper authorities.
First, email a screenshot of the text to Make sure your screenshot shows the number of the sender as well as the date it was sent. You’ll also need to include your name in the email so the team can reach you if necessary, along with any other relevant details about the scam.
You can also report the scam to
Stay alert and stay safe!