Home Equity Loans
- Use Home Equity Loans to help you pay for home improvements or other life events! Borrow up to 90% of your appraised home value, less the balance on your first mortgage.
A Home Equity Loan is secured by either a 1st or 2nd mortgage on your primary residence. The minimum line of credit is $10,000 and the maximum is $150,000. You can borrow up to 90% of the current appraised value of your home, less any outstanding liens.

Home Equity Loan Property Eligibility:
- Borrow Up to 90% of appraised value minus any existing liens
- Minimum loan amount – $10,000
- Maximum loan amount – $150,000
- Rates are locked in at the time of application with a 60-Day Commitment with no extensions.
- No Closing Costs*
Rates are subject to change without notice. NMLS #585840
Home Equity Loan Document Checklist
- Income Verification: Bring your two most recent paystubs, W-2’s, social security or pension award letter, alimony etc.
- Copy of Your Deed
- Copy of Your Survey
- Copy of Your Home Owners Insurance
- Most Recent Tax Bills
- All situations vary, additional documents may be required.
Home Equity Lines of Credit
- Our “Fixed For Five” Home Equity Line of Credit offers a 15 year term with the ability to draw / advance funds over the first 10 years and goes into repayment only over the final 5 years.
- Our “Fixed For Five” Home Equity Line of Credit allows you to borrow up to 80% of the value of your home, less your outstanding balance on your first mortgage. It features a discounted rate for the first five years, adjusting twice yearly on January 1st and July 1st, to Prime Rate (as published in the Wall Street Journal).
Home Equity Line of Credit Benefits:
- Big Borrowing Power – Borrow up to 80% of the value of your home (minus any existing mortgages).
- Interest May be Tax Deductible – Consult your tax advisor for details
- Low Variable Rate – that is set for the first five years at application
- Minimum Line amount – $10,000
- Maximum Line amount – $150,000
- No Closing Costs*
Loans are subject to credit approval, home eligibility, minimum and maximum loan amounts and home loan-to-value stipulations. Rates are subject to change without notice. NMLS #585840
Home Equity LOC Document Checklist
- Income Verification: Bring your two most recent paystubs, W-2’s, social security or pension award letter, alimony etc.
- Copy of Your Deed
- Copy of Your Survey
- Copy of Your Home Owners Insurance
- Most Recent Tax Bills
- All situations vary, additional documents may be required.
*Closing Costs paid on behalf of the member, to be paid by the member if the loan or line is closed within 3 years of opening:
- Tax Service $113-$122
- Title Search $50-$500
- Appraisal Fee $220-$350
- Recording Fee $45-$200
- Mortgage tax Per Loan or Limit Amount
- Filing Tax Exempt Fee $5
- Flood Determination Fee & Life of Loan $12
Additional Fees over the life of the loan
- Over the Limit Fee $20
- Stop Payment Fee $20
PROPERTY INSURANCE. You must carry insurance on the property that secures the Loan.