Our credit union participates in the New York Credit Union Association scholarship program awarding the top three candidates as scored by the New York Credit Union Association.


The applicant must be a member in good standing of High Point Federal Credit Union who meets all of the following criteria:

  • The member is a college-bound high school senior at the time of application.
  • The member is attending college for the first time.
  • The member will be enrolled in either a two- or four-year accredited educational institution.
  • The member agrees to use any scholarship funds awarded by January 31st of the year following the award year, at an accredited educational institution only.


1. Complete and save the scholarship application form available below. Please use only the space provided on the form to answer the questions. Other than where specified on the application form, no attachments, resumes, pictures or other materials of any kind should be submitted or used to answer the questions.

2 . You and your parent or guardian must sign the Certification and Release Authorization on the back page of the application form.

3 . You must obtain a credit union verification code from your credit union in order to verify eligibility. Please call us at 716-372-6607 to obtain the verification code.

4. Submit your application online, along with:

  • a high school transcript documenting your GPA for grades 9-11 and
  • an essay response.

Please save and upload the documents as three separate files:

  1. Scholarship Application
  2. High School Transcript and
  3. Essay

If any portion is incomplete or not included, the application will not be considered.

If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact Abigail Siebert at 716-372-6607 ext. 198.


Judging will be based on both subjective criteria and weighted, objective criteria. These include academic achievements, extracurricular and community activities, essay, etc.


Submission Deadline: January 17, 2025

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